

Strength: (20:00)
1RM Back Squat (3 rep Heavy)!

Strength Alternative:
15:00 AMRAP!

200 M Run
15 G2O #35/25
30 Mountain Climbers
12 V-ups

Met Con: 12:00 Clock!

“Kind of like Tabata”

30 Sec On (ME)/30 Sec Off: (of alternating exercises)

E: #115/75
RX: #95/65
M/S: #85/55

A) Thrusters
B) Deadlifts
C) S2O
D) Front Rack (alternating) Lunges

(Mod: Use DB’s)

Total Reps = Your Score!

*Focus on speed, form, consistency and managing your heart rate not just the # of reps.