

Winded Wednesday!

Met Con: Tabata!
4 min (8R):
20 sec On/10 sec Off

Air Dyne Bike
(Max Cal in 4 min)

Rest 2 min!

OH Swings
(ME Reps in 4 min)
E: #53/35
RX: #44(50)/25(30)
M(50+): #35/20

Rest 2 min!

Dubs or Singles
(ME Reps in 4 min)

Rest 2 min!

Box Jumps or
Alt. Step Ups
(ME Reps in 4 min)

*Athletes will stay at each station for 4 min before rotating to the next station. Total Reps/Cal to be recorded on the whiteboard.

*Rest 2 min before moving onto the final workout!

*10 min EMOM:
MAX Effort! 100 M Sprints