
August 16, 2016


MET CON(s): 30:00 Clock!
Partner WOD!

A) 8:00 AMRAP!

Athlete A will perform 35 Dubs while Athlete B performs a (at parallel) Weighted Wall Sit HOLD. Every Time Athlete A comes off the wall to rest, Athlete A must STOP doing Dubs. This will continue until the 35 Dubs has been completed, then the team must switch places. Total Reps = Your Score. Keep a running total of reps! Note: Athletes cannot switch rotation. Whoever is Athlete A must stay in that position for the entire workout.

E: 35/35 Dubs /
Wall Sit #55/35 1 DB

RX: 25/25 Dubs /
Wall Sit #45/25 1 DB

SCALED: 20 Dubs (15 Dub-A or 50 Singles) / Wall Sit #35/15 1 DB

3:00 REST!

B) 8:00 AMRAP!

Calorie Row (4) /
Hanging HOLD (Pull Up Rig)

E: 20/20
RX: 16/16
SCALED: 12/12

*Same rules apply as stated in WOD A!

REST 3:00!

C) 8:00 AMRAP!

12/12 Box Jump Over’s

E: “30/24
RX: “24/20
S: “24/20

(Alt. Step Up & Over: “20 inch box) / HS HOLD, Partial Wall Walk HOLD or straight arm Plank HOLD (NO piking or sinking).

*Same rules apply as stated in WOD A!

Note: Single person WOD’ers will run 200 M after every set of reps as prescribed for one athlete (1/2 the reps).