
November 24, 2016

Thanksgiving Day WOD!

MET CON: For Time (45:00)!

Goal: To finish :). Complete the workout in the order as prescribed (and in succession). Consider fast singles for Isabel, sets of 5 (UB) for Grace and the gymnastics work. Note: The runs are not recovery… don’t let a slow run be the reason you don’t finish. Everything matters!

“The Gathering”

1 Mile Run For Time!

“ISABEL”: 30 Snatches (any form from the ground)
E: #135/95
RX: #115/75
SCALED: #95/65 (#75/45)
(Hang Power Snatches or Alt. DB Snatches #35/25)

400 M Run

E: 30 Ring Muscle Ups
RX: 30 C2B Pull Ups
SCALED: 30 Pull Ups
(30 Jumping Pull Ups, 30 Banded Pull Ups or 30 Ring Rows)

400 M Run

“GRACE”: 30 Clean & Jerks (any form from the ground)
E: #135/95
RX: #115/75
SCALED: #95/65 (#75/45)
(Hang Power Clean + S2O)

MOD: Treat this workout as a partner WOD. Standard “partner WOD rules apply. Run together! Have FUN!