
A) Met Con:
20:00 AMRAP!

Aida’s B-Day /
Partner WOD!

*Goal: 4R+!

*Buy In: 44 Box Jumps “30/24

10 MU (Bar or Rings)

24 Snatches (progressively loading. Any form from the ground. Elite starting weight: #115/75. Must add #10 after each round for a possible MAX of #155+/105+. 1 bar per team. Clips are required. There is a maximum of 3 fails allowed per athlete (for Snatches). At that point, your workout ends for your team. Your partner cannot perform your reps for you. You may not begin your preparation for WOD B until the workout ends for everyone. All reps must be shared evenly. You may not work while your partner is working.

71 Dubs (36/35)

*Buy In: 44 Box Jumps “24/20

24 Pull Ups
(Men: C2B Pull Ups)

24 Snatches (same rules as E). RX starting weight: #95/65. Must add #5 after each round for a possible MAX of #120+/85+.

71 Dubs (36/35)

*Buy In: 44 Box Jumps “24/20 (or Alt. Step Ups)

24 Jumping Pull Ups (Banded Pull Ups or SDL KB High Pulls #53/35)

24 Snatches (same rules as E/RX). M/S starting weight: #75/45. Must add #5 after each round for a possible MAX of #95+/65+. *Mod: Hang Power Snatches or Alt. DB Snatches #35/25.

71 Dubs (36/35) or 142 Singles

*Rest 3:30!

B) Strength:
10:00 Clock!

Work up to a 1 Rep MAX C&J (or Power Clean + PP)

Rules: Your bar must be empty at the start of the workout. 1 Bar per team. Clips are required. There is a MAX of 3 fails per athlete. If one athlete fails or hits a MAX, the other athlete may continue to work until they hit a MAX or time is up.

*Strength MOD:
10:00 EMOM!

5 Clean & Jerks (any form) every minute on the minute #135/95 (#115/85)